Corpse Bride Wiki

Black Widow is a black widow spider and a resident of the Land of the Dead. She is also one of Emily's closest friends.


Black Widow and Maggot were dating when Victor Van Dort and Emily were married.

She and Maggot sing half of "Tears to Shed," attempting to convince Emily that she is far superior to the living Victoria Everglot.

Black Widow and her friends fix Victor's jacket for his wedding. Black Widow is last seen at Victoria's wedding party.

Black Widow is not seen at Victor and Emily's wedding yet she was there.

Apparently, Black Widow and Victor have become best friends. She visits Victor on his birthday and every Halloween. Black Widow and Victoria also have become close friends.


Black Widow is a friend of Emily's and occasionally offers her advice or comfort. She also seems to be friendly with Maggot.

In the movie her only power is the power to talk.


  • "Married, huh? I'm a widow." - To Victor Van Dort at their first meeting.
  • "Oh, how rude! He went that way!" - Saying Victor's direction to Emily after he ran away.
  • "Oh, those girls are ten a penny. You've got so much more. You've got - you've got - you've got a wonderful personality!" - To Emily regarding Victoria Everglot.